The data formats linked to your account can only be switched on by PostFinance through a phone call. The informations listed here have been discussed with PostFinance representatives in detail and are approved. If necessary, please insist with your contact to obtain the following:
Account statements and balance
These data should be made available simultaneously in two different formats: PF-XML and ISO-XML with pictures. The first format is used by MacPay+ until the transition towards ISO 20022. At that moment, MacPay+ will switch to the second format. This will happen for MacPay+ during the second semester of 2017. The second format is final and will be the only one used by PostFinance and MacPay from 01.01.2018 at latest. This configuration makes sure everything will be transparent for you and for PostFinance who will not need to intervene again during the transition.
You can check the active formats in your account directly from your e-finance access. The format is listed besides the actual files. Please note that all files will appear as not downloaded. This is not the indication of a problem as MacPay+ does not change this flag during download. Also note that if you download manually one of those files, they will not be available for MacPay+ and result in a gap in your statements.
Beware: PostFinance regularly informs its clients who have PF-XML activated that it will not be available much before 31.12.2017. If you receive such a lettre, you must call PostFinance and ask for the format to be kept until 31.12.2017. Failing to do so will result in a loss of statements in MacPay+
These documents which appear in the e-documents tab of MacPay+ are PDF.
To sum it up, ask PostFinance to deliver for your accounts simultaneously and daily the following data: PF-XML, ISO-XML with pictures and PDF. These services are free of charge and available for private as well as commercial accounts.